In this section, we continue our lab preparation by setting up the vulnerable Hack-it-yourself PHP Auction web application. This application, along with the DVWA configured in the previous lesson, serves as a security testing platform. Our goal is to use the F5 AWAF module during the course to identify and remediate these vulnerabilities to improve web application security.

Hack-It-Yourself PHP Auction

F5 AWAF lab Topology

Just to review, this is the F5 AWAF lab topology that we discussed and started preparing in the previous lesson.

In this section, we prepare the Hack-it-Yourself PHP auction, the second vulnerable web application in the lab topology.

F5 AWAF Lab Topology
F5 AWAF Lab Topology

The Hack-it-Yourself PHP Auction is another intentionally vulnerable web application intended to serve as a training tool for security professionals and enthusiasts. It serves as a practical environment for learning, testing and understanding the features and capabilities of the F5 Advanced WAF module.

Download Hack-It-Yourself Web Application

First, let’s download the Hack-it-Yourself PHP auction web application. I found the download link from the F5 community website.

This is the link to download the file. We download the file “PHPauction2.1”. It seems that the latest version of this software is for early 2022 and will no longer be updated.

Install Hack-It-Yourself Web Application

The download files are in VMware OVF file format and we will import them into VMware ESXi.

import phpauction in vmware esxi
import phpauction in vmware esxi

After importing OVF, we can see that the web application contains three interfaces by default.

According to the topology, we only need to connect one network adapter to the F5 inside zone. To ensure out-of-bound connectivity I will use two interfaces, but you can ignore this for your topology.

phpauction interfaces
phpauction interfaces

Now we turn on the machine. The default username and password are “root” and “default”.

After turning on the machine, we use the “vi” editor to configure the IP address and gateway of the interface.

The interface eth0 with IP address and gateway and optionally eth1 with IP address and without gateway according to my topology.

After changing the IP addresses, I will restart the machine and use “ifconfig” to make sure the IP addresses are correct.

vi ../etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 
vi ../etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
PHPauction IP address checking
PHPauction IP address checking

We can also check connectivity via SSH and also via a web browser.

PHPauction web interface
PHPauction web interface

Now we are ready with vulnerable web applications.

In the next section, we will publish these two vulnerable web applications via the F5-LTM module and then secure them using the F5-AWAF module.

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