vBond is another controller in SD-WAN infrastructure. it is the fist point of contact and must be reachable to all other controllers and also WAN routers. The installation and configuration of the vBond controller is discussed in this section.

Cisco SD-WAN Topology

The installation and configuration of vBond is mostly similar to the vManage Controller. But after vBond has been installed and it is also provisioned with a certificate, we will configure our first DTLS tunnel between vBond and vManager controllers.

SD-WAN Implementation Steps
SD-WAN Implementation Steps

Probably you remember that there are DTLS tunnels between all the controllers, and also between the controllers and WAN routers, which are used to securely transfer management and control traffic.

As a reminder, let’s take another look at the topology. As you can see, vBond is connected to both Out of Band Management (OOB) network and Internet transport. IP address is the address of OOB and is the address of the interface connected to the Internet, which must be reachable to all other controllers and WAN routers. is the IP address that we will configure as system-ip in vBond controller.

SD-WAN Basic Topology
SD-WAN Basic Topology

1. Introduction to Cisco SD-WAN Architecture

Download vBond 20.3.4 in Cisco Website

vBond Installation and Configuration

Now let’s import the vBond OVF virtual machine. You need to know that both the vEdge WAN router and vBond controller use the same OVF, and only the configuration is different. Therefore we will import vEdge OVF as a vBond virtual machine.

vBond has four (4) network adapters by default. Actually, it’s better to say that vEdge has four network adapters to be connected to different WAN transports. in vBond controller, I only use two network adapters, the first network adapter as an OOB interface and the second network adapter to connect to the internet. In my ESX environment, they are both in the same port group called external.

Now let’s review the configuration and then configure vBond controller.

!!!!! vBond
Adpater1 for oob : eth0:
Adpater2 for transport: ge0/0:
user: admin
pass: admin --> rayka-co.com

!!! vBond initial Configuration
conf t
 host-name vBond
 site-id 100
 organization-name RAYKA
 vbond local vbond-only
 clock timezone Aisa/Tehran
 ntp server prefer vpn 0
 show configuration

vpn 0
 ip route
 interface ge0/0
  ip address
  no shutdown
  no tunnel-interface

vpn 512
 interface eth0
  ip address
  no shutdown

As you can see the first adapter is used as eth0 for OOB and the second transport GE0/0 is used to connect to the internet. will be configured in eth0 and will be configured in GE0/0.

By default, username and passwords are admin/admin. The password is changed to rayka-co.com like what we did in vManage Controller.

The system configuration is the same as vManage. Hostname, System-ip, site-id, Organization name and NTP will be configured in vBond controller like vManage. The details of each of these commands are already explained in previous section, vManage installation.

The only difference is when we specify the vbond IP address. parameters, “local vbond-only” is added at the end of this command. “local” means this machine itself is vBond controller. “vbond-only” means that this machine will not be used as a WAN router since they are using the same OVF virtual machine.

!!! vBond
 host-name vBond
 site-id 100
 organization-name RAYKA
 vbond local vbond-only
 clock timezone Aisa/Tehran
 ntp server prefer vpn 0
 show configuration

Then we configure VPN 0 and VPN 512. Like the vManage Controller, VPN 512 is used as the management VRF and VPN 0 as the default VRF for forwarding the data traffic. interface eth0 is configured in VPN 512 with IP address interface GE0/0 is configured inside VPN 0 with IP address default route is configured in VPN 0 with gateway address Default route can also be configured in VPN 512 but I have not configured, since my management client is directly connected to OOB network.

!!! vBond
vpn 0
 ip route
 interface ge0/0
  ip address
  no shutdown
  no tunnel-interface

vpn 512
 interface eth0
  ip address
  no shutdown

The tunnel interface is configured by default in the vEdge virtual machine. Now I delete the tunnel interface but it will be recreated in a few minutes after certificate is provisioned in vBond.

“show interface | tab” command output in vBond

Now let’s add vBond controller in vManage controller.

configuration -> devices -> controllers -> add controller -> vBond

vBond Certificate Installation

Probably you remember that for the installation of vManage we manually copied the CA certificate to vManage before we request and install certificate. But when we add the vBond controller in vManage, the CA certificate is copied automatically to vBond controller and we don’t have to copy it manually.

To ensure that the CA certificate is automatically transferred into vBond controller, we can use the following command in the vBond controller.

!!! vBond
vbond# show certificate root-ca-cert | inc rayka
        Issuer: DC=local, DC=rayka-co, CN=CA
        Subject: DC=local, DC=rayka-co, CN=CA

Now we can request and install certificate for vBond.

Configuration -> certificate -> controllers -> vBond -> generate CSR -> copy csr

Give certificate request to CA server and receive vBond certificate -> request a certificate -> advanced certificate request -> paste csr -> use sdwan template  -> save with vBond name

received certificate will be installed in vBond controller and through vManage web interface.

Configuration -> certificate -> controllers -> vBond -> Install Certificate -> add generated vBond certificate.

You can see that the certificate is installed but not yet in sync. We need to create DTLS tunnels between vManage and vBond so that they can be synchronized.

Configuration -> devices -> controllers

Create DTLS Tunnel between vManage and vBond

DTLS Tunnel must be created in both vManage and vBond over internet transport. As you know internet transport is in default VRF (VPN 0). In vMange, eth1 is connected to internet transport and in vBond, GE0/0 is connected to transport internet.

!!! vManage
vpn 0
 int eth1
    allow-service all

!!! vBond 
vpn 0
 int ge0/0
    allow-service all
    encapsulation ipsec

We allow all services in Tunnel interface.

In vBond we have to configure encapsulation IPSec, otherweise we will receive error.

In vManage, with “show control connections”, you can make sure if  two DTLS tunnels between vManage and vBond is up.

Monitor DTLS Tunnel between vManage and vBond

vmanage# show control connections
                                   PEER                                                                        PEER                                          PEER                                                              
      PEER    PEER PEER            CONFIGURED        SITE       DOMAIN PEER                                    PRIV  PEER                                    PUB                                                               
INDEX TYPE    PROT SYSTEM IP       SYSTEM IP       ID         ID     PRIVATE IP                              PORT  PUBLIC IP                               PORT  ORGANIZATION            REMOTE COLOR     STATE UPTIME
0     vbond   dtls        0          0                            12346                            12346 RAYKA                   default         up     0:01:25:18
1     vbond   dtls         -               0          0                            12346                            12346 RAYKA                   default         up     0:01:25:19

In vBond, with “show orchestrator connections”, you can check the same result.

vbond# show orchestrator connections
                                                                                     PEER                      PEER
         PEER     PEER     PEER             SITE        DOMAIN      PEER             PRIVATE  PEER             PUBLIC                                   ORGANIZATION
INSTANCE TYPE     PROTOCOL SYSTEM IP        ID          ID          PRIVATE IP       PORT     PUBLIC IP        PORT    REMOTE COLOR     STATE           NAME                    UPTIME
0        vmanage  dtls         100         0      12346     12346   default          up              RAYKA                   0:01:27:17
0        vmanage  dtls         100         0      12446     12446   default          up              RAYKA                   0:01:27:17

In the event of an error, you can check the cause with “show control connection-history”. It tells us when the tunnel has encountered an error, along with the reason code and description.

show control connection-history

Now you can see in the dashboard if vBond has been added to the list. if The color is green, it means it is activated and ok.

In Configuration -> Devices -> Controllers, you should see that it is now in sync and the second controller is added to SDWAN infrastructure.

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