After installing and starting Cisco NSO, we now need to prepare some network devices to be connected and managed through Cisco NSO.
Network devices for connecting to Cisco NSO can be physical, virtual, or NetSim simulator devices which is included in Cisco NSO software.
use netsim to add network devices in the lab
I have already prepared a virtual Cisco IOS-XE CSR1000V that will be used mainly during the course.
I downloaded the CSR1000V “ova” file from this link on the Cisco website and imported it into the VMware ESX server.
But in addition to CSR1000v, just to show, in this section I will add some devices via netsim simulator.
We will use the existing packages to be loaded in netsim simulator.
Here is an example to add a network via netsim simulator.
Do not forget to setup environment variable using “ncsrc” before using netsim simulator if you have rebooted nso machine or using a new bash environment. Otherwise you receive the message that the command does not exist.
source $HOME/nso-6.0/ncsrc
First as an optional step, we delete the existing network in simulator using “ncs-netsim” command and “delete-network” option.
Then we add a new network using “create-network” and “add-to-network” parameter and existing drivers in packages folder.
In our example, we add three ios device, one asa, one device with ios-xr, one with nx-os and finally one juniper device.
Then we will start the new network using “ncs-netsim start” command.
# add devices using "netsim" cd ~/nso-instance/ ncs-netsim delete-network # if already exist ncs-netsim create-network packages/cisco-ios-cli-6.88 3 ios ncs-netsim add-to-network packages/cisco-asa-cli-6.16 1 asa ncs-netsim add-to-network packages/cisco-iosxr-cli-7.43 1 iosxr ncs-netsim add-to-network packages/cisco-nx-cli-5.23 1 nxos ncs-netsim add-to-network packages/juniper-junos-nc-3.0 1 junos ncs-netsim start
During the course, we can configure netsim network devices through cisco nso software. But if you want to connect to the netsim network devices directly, you can use the command “ncs-netsim cli-i <DEVICE-NAME>”.
The option “cli-i” means “Cisco IOS Style”. The other options are “cli” and “cli-c” which in order means “J-Style” (Juniper Style) and “Cisco XR Style”.
cli : J-Style cli-c : Cisco XR Style cli-i : Cisco IOS Style
If you connect to one of ios devices in netsim, and check some commands, you will notice that “show ip interface brief” command does not work. This is the limitation of netsim simulator.
majid@majid-ubuntu:~/nso-instance$ ncs-netsim cli-i ios1
admin connected from using ssh on majid-ubuntu
ios1> en
ios1# show ip interface brief
syntax error: missing display group
run nso and netsim after restart
Now we are ready to connect cisco nso to real and also netsim simulated devices which is pre-requisite to automate and orchestrate network services. This is the main topic of the next section.
But before we move on to the next section, let’s look at how to start cisco nso and netsim devices, after we restart nso machine.
Here I have prepared a bash script showing the steps to run NSO and Netsim devices after reboot.
Set up the environment variable, run the “ncs” command to run nso and the “ncs-netsim start” command to start netsim devices. Finally, we connect to the NSO command environment
majid@majid-ubuntu:~/devnet/cisco_nso$ cat run_nso_after_restart #!/bin/bash echo "setup nso environment variable" source $HOME/nso-6.0/ncsrc echo -e "done \n" echo "starting nso instance with running ncs command..." echo "please wait. it takes a few minutes ..." cd ~/nso-instance/ ncs echo -e "done \n" echo "starting netsim devices" ncs-netsim start echo -e "done \n" echo -e "connect to nso CLI environment \n" ncs_cli -C -u admin
majid@majid-ubuntu:~/devnet/cisco_nso$ ./run_nso_after_restart setup nso environment variable done starting nso instance with running ncs command... please wait. it takes a few minutes ... done starting netsim devices DEVICE ios0 OK STARTED DEVICE ios1 OK STARTED DEVICE ios2 OK STARTED DEVICE asa0 OK STARTED DEVICE iosxr0 OK STARTED DEVICE nxos0 OK STARTED DEVICE junos0 OK STARTED done connect to nso CLI environment admin connected from using ssh on majid-ubuntu admin@ncs#
i have 2 devices in ncs-netsim. how can i create a connection between them? in normal simulators we select a link and connect desired devices using a wire. But how it is possible in ncs-netsim.
I have not seen such a capability in netsim used in NSO .