OSPFv3 LSA Types provide the foundation for understanding key differences between OSPFv2 and OSPFv3. In this lesson, we’ll configure both protocols in a dual-stack topology, allowing us to observe practically how OSPFv3 LSAs differ from those in OSPFv2.

OSPFv2 vs. OSPFv3 LSA Types

As you may already know, LSA Types 1 to 5 and Type 7 are the primary and most widely recognized LSA types in OSPFv2. I’ll assume you’re familiar with these types, so we’ll focus primarily on changes to the LSAs in OSPFv3. But first, here’s a very brief overview of the main LSA types in OSPFv2.

LSA Type
Router LSA
Advertised by every router; describes its links within an area (routers, networks, etc.).
Network LSA
Generated by DRs (Designated Routers); represents all routers on a multi-access network.
Summary LSA
Generated by ABRs (Area Border Routers); advertises networks from one area to another.
ASBR Summary LSA
Generated by ABRs; describes routes to ASBRs (Autonomous System Boundary Routers) in other areas.
AS External LSA
Advertised by ASBRs; describes routes external to the OSPF domain (e.g., redistributed routes).
NSSA (Not-So-Stubby Area) LSA
Generated by ASBRs within NSSAs; allows external routes in stubby areas, later converted to Type 5.

In OSPFv3, there are two additional LSA types: Type 8 (Link-LSA) and Type 9 (Intra-Area-Prefix LSA), which exist only in OSPFv3. Additionally, LSA Type 1 has undergone some changes in OSPFv3, and we’ll focus on these modifications in this lesson.

To gain a practical understanding of how these LSAs have changed in OSPFv3, I have set up a dual-stack topology configured with both OSPFv2 and OSPFv3. By exploring the LSA types in the OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 databases, we can clearly see and analyze the differences.

Demonstration of IPv6 LSA Changes in OSPFv3 vs. OSPFv2
Demonstration of IPv6 LSA Changes in OSPFv3 vs. OSPFv2

To review and compare the OSPF configuration for IPv4 and IPv6, here are the differences in the commands used.

  1. Enabling OSPF:

    • For IPv4, use the command: router ospf [process-id].

    • For IPv6, use: ipv6 router ospf [process-id].

  2. Router ID:

    • The router-id parameter is a 32-bit value and is configured the same way for both IPv4 and IPv6.

  3. Enabling Interfaces:

    • In IPv4, enable interfaces in OSPF using the network [ip-address] [wildcard-mask] area [area-id] command within the OSPF context.

    • In IPv6, use the ipv6 ospf area [area-id] command within the interface context to enable OSPF.

  4. Passive Interfaces:

    • For both versions, loopback interfaces are configured as passive interfaces using the same command: passive-interface [interface-name].

  5. Routing:

    • For IPv6, it is essential to enable routing with the command: ipv6 unicast-routing.

Now, we are ready to examine the OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 databases and explore their practical differences. Before we proceed, here is a table illustrating the changes in Link State Advertisements (LSAs) from OSPFv2 to OSPFv3.

IPv6 LSA Packets differences
IPv6 LSA Packets differences

Router LSA (Type 1) / Intra-Area-Prefix LSA (Type 9)

The Router LSA, or LSA Type 1, is one of the most important LSAs in both IPv4 and IPv6, but there is a key difference between them.

In IPv4, the Router LSA is sent by each router to advertise both the topology and the IP addresses of the links connected to it. However, in IPv6, the Router LSA only includes the topology information for the links. IPv6 prefix (address) information no longer fits into LSA Type 1 and is instead conveyed through a separate, new LSA type called the Intra-Area-Prefix LSA (Type 9).

Let’s examine the Router LSA sent by the router IOU2 in both IPv4 and IPv6 to observe the practical differences. This can be done using the command show ip ospf database router adv-router for IPv4 and show ipv6 ospf database router adv-router for IPv6.

IOU2#show ip ospf database router adv-router

            OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)

                Router Link States (Area 0)

  LS age: 82
  Options: (No TOS-capability, DC)
  LS Type: Router Links
  Link State ID:
  Advertising Router:
  LS Seq Number: 8000001F
  Checksum: 0x3133
  Length: 72
  Number of Links: 4

    Link connected to: another Router (point-to-point)
     (Link ID) Neighboring Router ID:
     (Link Data) Router Interface address:
      Number of MTID metrics: 0
       TOS 0 Metrics: 10

    Link connected to: a Stub Network
     (Link ID) Network/subnet number:
     (Link Data) Network Mask:
      Number of MTID metrics: 0
       TOS 0 Metrics: 10

    Link connected to: another Router (point-to-point)
     (Link ID) Neighboring Router ID:
     (Link Data) Router Interface address:
      Number of MTID metrics: 0
       TOS 0 Metrics: 10

    Link connected to: a Stub Network
     (Link ID) Network/subnet number:
     (Link Data) Network Mask:
      Number of MTID metrics: 0
       TOS 0 Metrics: 10

In IPv4, the Router LSA topology section shows that router IOU2 connects to two routers, IOU1 and IOU3, via point-to-point links. Address details for these links, including subnet addresses and subnet masks, are provided under the “Stub Network” tag.

In IPv6, however, the Router LSA only includes topology information, indicating that router IOU2 is connected to IOU1 and IOU3 via point-to-point links, with no address information included in this LSA.

IOU2#show ipv6 ospf database router adv-router

            OSPFv3 Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)

                Router Link States (Area 0)

  LS age: 77
  Options: (V6-Bit, E-Bit, R-bit, DC-Bit)
  LS Type: Router Links
  Link State ID: 0
  Advertising Router:
  LS Seq Number: 80000021
  Checksum: 0xF2A3
  Length: 56
  Number of Links: 2

    Link connected to: another Router (point-to-point)
      Link Metric: 10
      Local Interface ID: 4
      Neighbor Interface ID: 3
      Neighbor Router ID:

    Link connected to: another Router (point-to-point)
      Link Metric: 10
      Local Interface ID: 3
      Neighbor Interface ID: 3
      Neighbor Router ID:

In IPv6, address information is sent through a new LSA type called the Intra-Area Prefix LSA. This can be viewed using the command show ipv6 ospf database prefix adv-router, where we can see the prefixes and prefix lengths associated with router IOU2 in the output.

IOU2#show ipv6 ospf database prefix adv-router

            OSPFv3 Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)

                Intra Area Prefix Link States (Area 0)

  Routing Bit Set on this LSA
  LS age: 106
  LS Type: Intra-Area-Prefix-LSA
  Link State ID: 0
  Advertising Router:
  LS Seq Number: 8000001F
  Checksum: 0x5146
  Length: 56
  Referenced LSA Type: 2001
  Referenced Link State ID: 0
  Referenced Advertising Router:
  Number of Prefixes: 2
  Prefix Address: 2001:AA:2:3::
  Prefix Length: 64, Options: None, Metric: 10
  Prefix Address: 2001:AA:1:2::
  Prefix Length: 64, Options: None, Metric: 10

Link LSA (Type 8)

Another new LSA in IPv6 is the Link LSA (Type 8), which operates within the link-local scope. Each router on a link uses the Link LSA to advertise its link-local address and any other address prefixes associated with that link to other routers on the same link.

For example, to view the information sent through the Link LSA on router IOU2 for the Ethernet0/0 link in our topology, we can use the command show ipv6 ospf database link interface ethernet0/0 adv-router

As you can see, the Link LSA advertises the link-local address of router IOU2 (fe80::2) along with the additional prefix configured on this link (2001:AA:1:2::/64).

IOU2#show ipv6 ospf database link interface ethernet 0/0 adv-router

            OSPFv3 Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)

                Link (Type-8) Link States (Area 0)

  LS age: 1034
  Options: (V6-Bit, E-Bit, R-bit, DC-Bit)
  LS Type: Link-LSA (Interface: Ethernet0/0)
  Link State ID: 3 (Interface ID)
  Advertising Router:
  LS Seq Number: 8000001E
  Checksum: 0x460A
  Length: 56
  Router Priority: 1
  Link Local Address: FE80::2
  Number of Prefixes: 1
  Prefix Address: 2001:AA:1:2::
  Prefix Length: 64, Options: None
Back to: IPv6 > IPv6 Routing

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