Installing pyATS and Genie and setting up the environment is the first step before starting automation with pyATS. In this section, I will demonstrate how to install and configure the required components using a Python virtual environment.

Additionally, I have prepared a Docker image for development purposes that includes all the necessary components covered in this lesson.

pyATS Installation Options

To ensure independence from the operating system and its installed libraries, you can set up a Python virtual environment that includes all the required libraries for your project. This allows you to run your script in an isolated environment. However, this approach can make it difficult to transfer your project to another machine, as you’ll need to manually set up the environment and install dependencies again.

On the other hand, Docker images are highly portable and somewhat OS-independent. With Docker, you can prepare your environment for scripting without needing to perform additional setup, and the containerized environment will work consistently across different machines and operating systems.

Aspect Python Virtual Environment Docker Image
Independence from OS Ensures isolation from the OS, but dependent on the host OS's Python version and libraries. OS-independent; the container works the same across different OSes (Linux, Windows, macOS).
Portability Difficult to transfer between machines; requires manual setup of dependencies on the new machine. Highly portable; can easily be transferred between Linux and Windows with no setup required.
Setup and Configuration Needs manual setup for each machine, installing dependencies, and configuring the environment. Pre-configured environment with all dependencies included; just run the container on any machine.
Ease of Use Across OSes Not easy to use across different OSes; might require OS-specific adjustments. Works the same on any OS (Linux, Windows, macOS) as long as Docker is installed.
Environment Consistency May vary across machines due to OS-specific differences in libraries and Python versions. Ensures consistency across environments, making it ideal for collaboration and deployment.

Install pyATS and Genie in a Python Virtual Environment

To set up pyATS using a Python virtual environment, follow these steps:

  1. Create a folder named pyats for your project.

  2. Inside the folder, create a virtual environment by running:
    python3 -m venv .

  3. Activate the virtual environment with:
    source bin/activate

  4. Upgrade pip and setuptools to the latest versions using:
    pip install --upgrade pip setuptools

  5. Install the full pyATS package with:
    pip install pyats[full]

  6. Verify the installation by checking the pyATS version with:
    pyats version check

(majid) majid@majid-ubuntu:~/devnet/pyats$ cd /tmp/
(majid) majid@majid-ubuntu:/tmp$ mkdir pyats
(majid) majid@majid-ubuntu:/tmp$ cd pyats/
(majid) majid@majid-ubuntu:/tmp/pyats$ python3 -m venv .
(majid) majid@majid-ubuntu:/tmp/pyats$ source bin/activate .
(pyats) majid@majid-ubuntu:/tmp/pyats$ pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
(pyats) majid@majid-ubuntu:/tmp/pyats$ pip install pyats[full]
(pyats) majid@majid-ubuntu:/tmp/pyats$ pyats version check
You are currently running pyATS version: 25.1
Python: 3.12.3 [64bit]

  Package                      Version
  ---------------------------- -------
  genie                        25.1
  genie.libs.clean             25.1
  genie.libs.conf              25.1
  genie.libs.filetransferutils 25.1            25.1
  genie.libs.ops               25.1
  genie.libs.parser            25.1
  genie.libs.robot             25.1
  genie.libs.sdk               25.1
  genie.telemetry              25.1
  genie.trafficgen             25.1
  pyats                        25.1
  pyats.aereport               25.1
  pyats.aetest                 25.1
  pyats.async                  25.1
  pyats.connections            25.1
  pyats.contrib                25.1
  pyats.datastructures         25.1
  pyats.easypy                 25.1
  pyats.kleenex                25.1
  pyats.log                    25.1
  pyats.reporter               25.1
  pyats.results                25.1
  pyats.robot                  25.1
  pyats.tcl                    25.1
  pyats.topology               25.1
  pyats.utils                  25.1
  rest.connector               25.1
  unicon                       25.1
  unicon.plugins               25.1
  yang.connector               25.1

[1]+  Done                    nohup python  (wd: ~/Downloads)
(wd now: /tmp/pyats)
(pyats) majid@majid-ubuntu:/tmp/pyats$ pyats version check --outdated
All your packages are up to date!
(pyats) majid@majid-ubuntu:/tmp/pyats$ pip install pyats[full] --upgrade #Updates only the specified library or package
(pyats) majid@majid-ubuntu:/tmp/pyats$ pyats version update # Updates the entire pyATS framework and all associated packages
(pyats) majid@majid-ubuntu:/tmp/pyats$ pyats -h
  pyats <command> [options]

    clean               runs the provided clean file
    create              create scripts and libraries from template
    develop             Puts desired pyATS packages into development mode
    diff                Command to diff two snapshots saved to file or directory
    dnac                Command to learn DNAC features and save to file (Prototype)
    learn               Command to learn device features and save to file
    logs                command enabling log archive viewing in local browser
    migrate             utilities for migrating to future versions of pyATS
    parse               Command to parse show commands
    run                 runs the provided script and output corresponding results.
    secret              utilities for working with secret strings.
    shell               enter Python shell, loading a pyATS testbed file and/or pickled data
    undevelop           Removes desired pyATS packages from development mode
    validate            utilities that help to validate input files
    version             commands related to version display and manipulation

General Options:
  -h, --help            Show help

Run 'pyats <command> --help' for more information on a command.
(pyats) majid@majid-ubuntu:/tmp/pyats$

Install pyATS and Genie through docker container

The quicker and easier way to start pyATS scripting without any configuration is by using a pre-built Docker image. This image can be provided by Cisco, created by yourself, or sourced from other contributors. In other words, Python and all necessary libraries are already included in the image, so you only need to load it into a container and run your script.

Cisco has provided an official pyATS Docker image, which includes example scripts. You can pull the image using:

docker pull ciscotestautomation/pyats

For more details, refer to the official documentation: Cisco pyATS Docker Hub.

Additionally, I have created a custom DevNet Docker image, which is not limited to pyATS but includes all essential tools for network automation. This image comes pre-installed with Python, Nornir, and pyATS, allowing you to start scripting immediately. You can pull it using:

 docker pull masadpoor/devnet:latest

For more information, visit the documentation: Masadpoor DevNet Docker Hub.

You can run the image inside a Docker container and get shell access using the following command:

docker run -it masadpoor/devnet:latest /bin/bash

If you also want to persist data, you need to mount your local directory inside the Docker container. This allows you to store files and access them even after the container stops.

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/devnet/workspace masadpoor/devnet:latest /bin/bash

After accessing the container shell, you can verify that the pyATS environment is working by cloning the following GitHub repository and running the provided basic example.

git clone
pyats run job examples/basic/

useful links

Finally, here are some useful links to help you during your pyATS learning journey:

πŸ“– Official Documentation

πŸŽ“ Beginner Learning Resources

πŸ“ Sample Scripts & Repositories

Here, you can find useful pyATS sample scripts and examples:

πŸ“š Genie Documentation

These resources will help you get started and explore pyATS capabilities more effectively. πŸš€

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